GP-256 - Chapitre 4

The nightmare

Virginia falls asleep and starts to dream, she is face to face with her worst ennemy, she hits him with everything she's got but her enemy doesn't turn a hair. Her strength fails her, a regular nightmare...

Le cauchemar

Virginia endormie commence à rêver, elle se trouve face a sont pire ennemi, elle le frappe tout ce qu'elle peut, mais son ennemi ne bronche pas, Virginia s'épuise, un véritable cauchemar.


Virginia si addormenta ed inizia a sognare, si trova di fronte al suo più acerrimo nemico, lei lo colpisce in qualsiasi modo e con qualsiasi cosa ma il suo nemico resiste, un vero incubo!!!!


Bande annonce DVD GP-256

Durée 1 minute 46 - Taille 8.35 Mo
Format wmv

GP-256 - Chapitre 4

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